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Biography Report On Thurgood Marshall

Table of Contents

This is an introduction.

Early Life

Early Adulthood


Later Years

An opening statement

Thurgood marshall was the person I chose for my research, as I didn’t have much information about him. However, what little I had heard sounded quite interesting. He was a hero for fighting for other people’s rights. He fought segregation. Due to him, whites and blacks can now attend the public schools together. My report will tell you about his fight for human rights and his life.

Born July 2, 1928, Thurgood marshall was a young boy. His grandfather Thoroughgood was his name. Thoroughgood was his original name, but he switched to Thurgood when he entered the second-grade. In 1909 he moved with his family to Harlem NY. In 1914, they returned to Baltimore after living in Harlem five years. He lived along with his parents William and Norma as well as brother Aurbey.

Thurgood was born into a fighting family. His great-grandfather had been a slave. His grandfather was in the Union Army. And his father fought by using words. Thurgood learned a portion of the Constitution when he went to the basement after getting into trouble in school. He had to study many sections. He was told by his father that if someone called him a “nigger”, he could fight them. When he turned 13, he got into trouble for hitting a person who called a black man a nigger.

Thurgood attended Fredrick Douglas High. He was a football player and leader of a group. They played pranks on each other and sometimes skipped classes. He was a favorite with the girls. Thurgood was a graduate of Fredrick Douglas High, graduating in 1925. He was raised by his mother to be a doctor.

Early adulthoodHe attended Lincoln University, Pennsylvania to study pre-dentistry. He joined the debate team. His father taught him how to fight with words. Wrathful Marshall was his nickname because he out-debated opponents to the point that they felt they were whipped. He also worked part-time at a bakery, and as a supermarket clerk. Vivian Burey was his bride during the last year of high school. Thurgood spent a lot of time with Vivian “Buster” Burey. In 1930, Thurgood graduated with honors. Thurgood chose to pursue a career in law. He was not accepted to the Maryland Law School for his race. He was then accepted at Howard University Washington D.C. He rode the train every day to school. He graduated with honors from Howard University in 1933.

AdulthoodThurgood easily passed the Maryland law exam. He started a small law firm for blacks in Baltimore. He won a big case against Maryland Law School. Maryland Law School received an order to desegregate. Marshall was named assistant special attorney for the NAACP, New York City, in 1936. NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP fought for fair rights for African-Americans. Thurgood, who was the NAACP’s chief attorney after Charles Houston’s retirement, became its new leader when Houston retired.

The Spingarn medal was the highest award the NAACP could bestow on him in 1946. The Supreme Court heard a case of great importance that he brought before them. In 1954, Brown was a defendant in the case of Board of Education vs. Brown. He was asked by a Supreme Court judge what he thought equal meant. He would often use this phrase to describe his segregationist cases. Brown v. Board of Education won and America’s schools were ordered desegregated. He considered it his greatest win for all children.

Vivian Thurgood’s 25-year-old wife dies from cancer in 1955. Cecilia Suyat, his second wife, remarried him. Together, they had two sons. Thurgood Junior (their names) and John William (their names) were born together. JFK had him go to Sierra Leone and represent the USA at their independence ceremony. JFK appoints J.F.K. as the U.S. Court of Appeals Second Circuit serving New York Connecticut Vermont.

He is named U.S. Lyndon Johnson appointed him Solicitor-General. He tried and won 14 Supreme Court decisions as Solicitor. In 1967, Johnson appointed him to the Supreme Court. Johnson nominated him for the Supreme Court. He was first African American Supreme Court justice. He was initially considered a “simple judge” because he did not speak out, but after some time he started to express his opinions.

Thurgood retires at the age of 83. Thurgood visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia on Independence Day, 1992. He was invited as the honorary guest for the Fourth-of-July celebration. The Liberty Medal was presented to him in Philadelphia because of his achievements. This medal has only been awarded to 3 people. Thurgood died from heart failure on January 24th, 1993.

Thurgood Marshall fought bravely for the rights other people. Blacks and Whites now have the opportunity to attend public schools together. He showed blacks they could achieve whatever they wanted. He was a lawyer because he wanted to. Thurgood Marshall was a hero.


  • alissaabbott

    I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.


I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.