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Everything You Need To Know About Anxiety

Everyone is affected by anxiety in their own way. Sometimes anxiety can become more severe or persistent over time. This section will help you learn more about anxiety and who it affects.

What’s anxiety?

Anxiety is the body’s natural response against stress. It can feel anxious or afraid about what lies ahead. It could be nerves or fear at the prospect of a job interview.

However, if you feel anxious for more than 6 months or interfere with your life, it could be an anxiety disorder.

What is anxiety disorder?

Anxiety about moving, starting a job or taking a test is normal. Although it is uncomfortable, this type of anxiety can motivate you to do better work and be more productive. Ordinary anxiety is a temporary feeling that doesn’t disrupt your daily life.

An anxiety disorder can cause constant fear and panic attacks. It can be debilitating and intense.

You may feel anxious and stop enjoying the things you love. This anxiety can make it difficult to get in an elevator, cross the street or leave your home. If anxiety isn’t treated, it will get worse.

Anxiety disorders represent the most common emotional disorder. It can affect anyone. According to the American Psychiatric Association however, anxiety disorders are more common in women than in men.

What is the difference between anxiety disorders?

Anxiety can be a key component of many disorders. These disorders include:
Anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. You may experience frequent panic attacks that occur at unanticipated times.
– Phobia. This is excessive fear about a situation, object, or activity.
Nervousness in social situations. This is a very fearful condition in which you are judged by others.
– Obsessive-compulsive disorder. This refers to a recurring pattern of irrational thoughts and behaviors.
A condition in which an individual experiences excessive fear and distress when they are separated from a person or place they are attached to. This is when you fear being away from your family or loved ones.
An anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry about having or developing an illness. This is anxiety regarding your health (previously known as hypochondria).

Anxiety may also be a symptom of a variety of medical and mental conditions. These encompass:
– Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is anxiety that results from traumatic events.
– Major depressive disorders. Anxiety and depression are strongly linked.
– Chronic diseases. Anxiety can result from managing chronic obstructive and diabetic conditions (COPD) or diabetes.
– Inflammatory disorders. Chronic inflammation and other diseases like arthritis can be caused by anxiety.
– Substance Use Disorders: Anxiety can lead to many people trying to self-medicate.
– Chronic Pain Chronic pain sufferers often feel anxious.

What symptoms are associated with anxiety?

The person feeling anxiety will experience it differently. There are many different feelings that can accompany anxiety. You may feel out of control and as if there is something wrong with your body or mind.

There may be general fear or worry or a fear for a specific event or place. Sometimes, panic attacks can occur.

The symptomsTrusted source of anxiety could include:
Anxious thoughts and beliefs that are hard to control.
– trouble concentrating
– It is difficult to fall asleep
– exhaustion
– irritability
Unexplained aches or pains

Anxiety symptoms can be very different depending on your situation. Understanding the symptoms of anxiety is essential. Find out about all the possible anxiety symptoms.

What’s a Panic Attack?

Panic attacks are a sudden feeling of fear that can last for up to 10-20 minutes. It is possible to know or not what caused the panic attack.

These symptoms may mimic a heartattack. A panic attack can mimic a heart attack. A common fear that can exacerbate panic attacks is the fear of being judged negatively in public.

Panic attacks are not the same for everyone. Also, anxiety symptoms may not be the same for everyone.

These are some common symptoms.
– chest pain
Feeling of choking
Fear of losing your control
Feeling of imminent doom
– Hot flashes, sweating, and chills
– A feeling of tingling, numbness, or weakness in your hands, feet, face, or fingers
– Nausea and upset stomach
– Breathing difficulty
Fear of death
A panic disorder is a condition where you have panic attacks or panic attacks that are repeated.

What causes an anxiety?

Experts aren’t certain what causes anxiety. It is possible that multiple factors are involved in anxiety.

Anxiety can be caused by:
– stress
– Other medical conditions such as diabetes and depression
– First degree relatives with generalized anxious disorder
– Environmental concerns, like child abuse
Substance use
– Situations like surgery or occupational hazards

Researchers believe that this fear is also related to fear-related memory storage and retrieval.

Who are at highest risk for anxiety disorders?

There are many risk factors associated with each type anxiety. There are however some common influencesTrusted Source:
Characteristics of one’s personality. This includes nervousness and shyness as a child.
– Your life history. This could include being exposed or experiencing stressful events.
– Genetics. 25 percent of those with anxiety have a first-degree relative.
– Other medical conditions. Anxiety can be caused by thyroid problems or other health conditions.
– Stimulants. Consuming caffeineTrustedSource, other substances, or medication may make you feel worse.

Can anxiety be diagnosed by tests?

Anxiety can’t be diagnosed with one test. An anxiety diagnosis involves a long process that includes psychological questionnaires, mental health testing, and physical exams.

A physical exam may be performed by healthcare professionals or doctors to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Doctors can also use several anxiety scales and tests to assess your anxiety. These tests are available for you to learn more.

What treatments are available for anxiety?

After you have been diagnosed with anxiety, you can discuss treatment options with your doctor.

You can get treatment to manage the symptoms.

The following are the three main categories of anxiety treatment:
– Psychotherapy. Therapy may include exposure response prevention and cognitive behavioral therapy.
– Complementary healthcare techniques. Alternative methods to manage anxiety include mindfulness, yoga, and stress management strategies like self-management.
– Medication. Doctors can prescribe antidepressant and antianxiety drugs.

You can learn how to manage stress by meeting with a psychologist or therapist.

The Mental Health Resources page offers tips and tricks for finding a psychiatrist to suit your needs.

For short-term relief of anxiety, benzodiazepines are a common treatment. However, they should be avoided due to the risk of dependence. Other antianxiety/antidepressant medications, like escitalopram to reduce stress and improve mood, also alter brain chemistry.

You may also use these medications:
– Selective Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Common SSRIs are paroxetine and fluoxetine.
– Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs). Common SNRIs include duloxetine, venlafaxine and venlafaxine.
– Antipsychotics. Quetiapine, aripiprazole, and other antipsychotics are very common.
– Benzodiazepines. Common benzodiazepines are clonazepam or diazepam.
– Anxiolytics. Buspirone can be used as a common anxiolytic.

What natural treatments are available to relieve anxiety?

Some stress and anxiety that you might be dealing with daily can be relieved by lifestyle changes. Healthy lifestyle changes can help you manage stress and anxiety.

These consist of:
– Getting enough rest
– practicing relaxation techniques
– Exercise and staying active
Healthy eating
Avoiding alcohol
– avoiding caffeine
– quitting smoking cigarettes if you smoke

These lifestyle changes can help you get rid of anxiety. Read more about the benefits and find great ways to treat anxiety.

Depression and anxiety

An anxiety disorder can lead to depression. Both anxiety and depressive symptoms can be present separately, but it is common for both to occur in the same person.

Anxiety is a sign of major, clinical depression. An anxiety disorder can also trigger depression symptoms that are already worsening.

Both conditions can be managed with the same treatment options: psychotherapy (counseling), medication, lifestyle changes, and medications.

What to do for children suffering from anxiety

Children are naturally anxious and it is normal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC) states that 9.
4%Trusted Source: Children and teens aged 3-17 have been diagnosed with anxiety.

Children should learn to forget the fears and worries they had as children. If they are afraid of their parents or exhibit other symptoms such as extreme fear or anxiety that affect their daily lives, it could be classified as an anxiety disorder.

Children can experience chronic anxiety that is persistent and uncontrolled. They may avoid socializing with their family members or peers because of this.

An anxiety disorder can manifest as:
– anger
– irritability
– trouble sleeping
Fearful feelings
– exhaustion
– head pains
Abdominal pain

Treatment for anxiety in children can include medication and cognitive behavior therapy (talk therapy). Find out how to calm anxiety in your child.

How can teens overcome anxiety

Teenagers can have many reasons for being anxious. These important years are filled with tests, college visits, first dates, and other life events. An anxiety disorder is a condition in which a teenager experiences anxiety symptoms or feels anxious frequently.

Teen anxiety symptoms include shyness, avoidance, nervousness, and isolation. A teenager’s anxiety may also cause unusual behavior.

They may also be disruptive, act out or perform poorly at school.

Some teens may experience anxiety and depression. For both to be treated, it is crucial to diagnose the conditions.

Talk therapy and medication are two of the most effective treatments for teenagers suffering from anxiety. These treatments can also be used to treat depression symptoms.

Stress and anxiety

Although stress and anxiety can be related, they are distinct. Stress is a healthy and normal reaction to any identifiable event that causes anxiety, such as upcoming exams, presentations or major changes in your life.

The trigger will stop causing stress. Anxiety, however, can last beyond the trigger and may be present without any known trigger. An individual may require treatment to get rid of anxiety.

Anxiety and stress are well-received by regular exercise, healthy sleep habits, and a balanced diet. If you don’t feel that your anxiety or stress are responding well to daily activities, good sleep hygiene, and a healthy diet, a mental health professional will be able to help you plan your treatment.

Anxiety symptoms that manifest as physical symptoms

Anxiety symptoms include:
– dizziness
– tiredness
– heart palpitations
– Muscle aches, tensions
Dry mouth
– Excessive sweating
– abdominal pain
– throbbing head pain
– insomnia

Stress and anxiety are not always negative. Each can give you a boost and an incentive to complete the challenge or task at hand. These feelings can cause problems in your everyday life if they become chronic. If this happens, you should seek treatment.

Long-term consequences for those suffering from untreated anxiety or depression include chronic health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Learn how to manage anxiety and stress.

Alcohol and anxiety

You might feel anxious if you are often feeling anxious. Alcohol is a sedative. You may also feel more relaxed if alcohol depresses the activity in your central nervous systems.

Anxiety disorders can lead to dependence and addiction.

Sometimes, it may be necessary for doctors to address anxiety by treating an alcohol or drug problem. The condition can get worse if it is prolonged or continued. You can learn more about anxiety symptoms caused by alcohol.

Are foods able to reduce anxiety?

Talk therapy and medication are two of the most common methods doctors use to treat anxiety. However, lifestyle changes like regular exercise and adequate sleep can help. Some research also suggests that eating healthy foods can help reduce anxiety.

These items are:
Flax and Chia seeds
– Fatty fish like mackerel or salmon
– turmeric
Vitamin D
– mag
– tryptophane

Anxiety Prevention

Children and Teens

It is not clear why anxiety occurs in teenagers and children. There are many public health strategies that can help prevent anxiety.
– suicide prevention
Bullying Prevention
Prevention of violence against youth
– Child maltreatment Prevention
– Mental Health Programs

Parents should communicate openly, honestly and with their child to ensure they are making sound decisions.

Find out how you can support your child.
Please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s resource page Trusted Source.

Family therapy is a great option for teens and children who are anxious about something that has happened in their family. This is crucial because it can be difficult for teens and children to openly discuss their feelings or acknowledge their anxiety.

Folks over the age of 18

There are many options to reduce anxiety and relieve symptoms. The following options are available:
– Avoidance. Avoiding stressful situations and people can reduce anxiety. This would only work for a short time. Long-term, it is better to seek treatment.
– Mindfulness and stress management. Stress management and mindfulness can help reduce strain.
– Restrict caffeine. Caffeine can make anxiety worse.
– Support group. It’s a great way to learn from others and share your experiences.
– Therapy. Talking to a therapist can help with anxiety and fears.
– Discuss your medication with your doctor. Talking to a doctor regularly about side effects, dosing, effectiveness, medication, and other health conditions ensures that any anxiety-related side effect is addressed and managed appropriately.

What is the outlook?
There are two options for treating anxiety: medication or psychotherapy.

Some people with mild anxiety disorders, such as a fear of the unknown, choose to ignore treatment and live with it.

But, it can be worse long-term to avoid the trigger. You can get help to overcome your trigger anxiety.

You can treat anxiety disorders, even severe ones. You can manage anxiety and lead a happy, healthy lifestyle.


  • alissaabbott

    I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.


I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.