Essay Templates

Staples’ Use Of Literary Devices In Just Walk On By

Despite making significant strides in ending racial inequality over the past three decades, racism persists today. Racism is so deeply embedded in society that it is often not seen as a problem. Brent Staples article “Just walk on: Black Men in Public Space” is fascinating and eye-opening. Brent Staples, in his article, “Just Walk On By: Black Men And Public Space”, describes his experience as a black male in public spaces. Along the way, he learns to accept the harsh realities of racial prejudice. This paper will examine how Staples uses vivid imagery and public space change to share his experiences. It will also provide a personal assessment of the claims of Staples regarding racial prejudice.

Staples uses vivid imagery to get his audience to connect with him and allow them to share his views. Brent Staples describes his first encounter with the woman in the paragraph as a victim. Filled with prejudice, this woman crosses the street and seems to feel in danger. Staples appears to her as threatening even though he is harmless. Staples essays are filled with vivid imagery. The author uses descriptive terms like “Both hands shoved inside his bulky army jacket” and “As I swung in the venue behind him”. Audiences might suspect that this is an aggressive image because the words shove, bulky or swung are used in this context. Brent Staples also starts to talk about his appearance. Staples relates the story from his personal experience. He observed whites running to each other’s cars, trying to escape the danger. He is aware of the fact that he can change everything by simply walking through. Brent Staples provides his personal perspective. He initially makes it clear that he does make mistakes, but then explains why he did them. The author’s claims are based on a lot more than the myths. The author, who claims to be able to “change public space”, makes a mockery of himself and decides to change his own thoughts and behaviors. Therefore, he searches for an alternative to the prejudices displayed by the white community in relation to his night activities. Staples, however, is most notable for his last section of the article. In it, he explains how he changed tense situations to become friendly and sociable. He informs his readers that despite all the effort, he feels it has had a positive impact on his life.

Through the whole narrative, the author draws on his own illustrations and includes direct quotes from books he’s read that he uses in the story. Staples own examples make Staples narrative compelling and strong. Additionally, he uses personal quotes from other books to support his viewpoint. It is difficult to argue with him. Although the author may have different perspectives, the article can be credited for sharing a complementary view. The author uses Norman Podhoretz’s controversial publication “My Negro Problem and Ours”, to illustrate the many obstacles faced by African Americans over the course of history. Staples does not show all of the illustrations that Podhoretz presented in his article. The writer is in agreement with Podhoretz when he recognizes the different types of ideas African-Americans are exposed to. The primary problem with Podhoretz’s thoughts as a writer is how they are categorised for all African American males. This is because it is wrong to label an entire society as being cautious.

Staples persuasive persuasion is a great example of his ability to convince readers. He goes on to encourage empathy for black people. Staples’s writing reveals the deepest emotions of black men who are prejudiced. Even in this day and age, the brutality of black lives is quite disappointing. The article by Brent Staples is a great piece of literature because it touches on both African Americans and other ethnic groups. The writer makes many poignant observations and compelling comments about the injustices that blacks face in their daily lives. Staples expresses his deep anger at the issue. This writing is also notable for its predictable solution to the problem. He makes use of vital perspective and intolerant confrontation to combat racial inequalities. Staples may have used the excuse of being weak with a submissive attitude. This makes it difficult for minorities to demonstrate their worth. This is evidently a observation made by minority groups. The writing explains why such issues are viewed in that way to support the author’s arguments.

The author hopes to share his experiences with racism and inform white people about the suffering black men go through when they are subject to it. The writer shows how panicked he is and the steps he took to avoid people, especially whites, who may have an incorrect perception of him as black.


  • alissaabbott

    I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.


I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.