Essay Templates

The Significance Of The Conscience Of Tom In Mark Twain’s The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

Tom Sawyer Analytical Pargraph

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain, requires Tom’s conscience and will nag him until he has been convinced. Huck and Joe steal food from Tom, and they run to Jackson’s Island. They cannot sleep, however. They started to feel a vague fear of being wrong for running away. Then they thought of the stolen meat. And then, the true torture arrived” (105). Tom is told that he cannot go to sleep because his conscience doesn’t allow him to. He is made to feel guilty and “tortured”. Tom (the only person other than Huck who knows Muff Potter isn’t a murderer) attends Muff Potter’s trial. He is called up. He looked quite wild, as he was very scared. But after a while, he gained some strength and managed to get enough to make the rest of the house hear. (170). Although Tom is scared to death, his conscience tells him the truth. He will not rest until his conscience is satisfied. Tom believed that he could “get a little more of his strength” to complete the good deed. Tom is not willing to admit it, but his conscience plays an extremely important role and determines many things for Tom that he probably wouldn’t otherwise do.


  • alissaabbott

    I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.


I am a 36 yo educational blogger and volunteer, who has been working in the education field since she was a student at the University of Utah. I have written extensively on different subjects, including educational blogging, curriculum development, and teaching general education classes. I am also a certified teacher educator and have taught in both public and private schools. I am also a member of the Utah Teachers Association and the National Board for Certification in Teacher Education.